
Camera Treatment - Objective, Subjective and Point of view

Objective, Subjective and Point of view Why is cinematography so important for a film? Is cinematographer half a director of the film? What matters in the construction of visuals for a film? Lest you from questions, let's dive into the topic of discussion. Cinematography is the art of conceptualising, composing and capturing the visuals with a camera that aid in the process of story telling. As audience sit in a theatre to experience the whole new world on two dimensional screen. To get into the virtual cinematic world, camera acts as a window to get into the cinematic onscreen world. To further simplify, the audience position themselves in the place of camera and perceive all actions that happen onscreen. So to produce good visual work, every cinematographer and filmmaker would rely on the dramatic factors. In fact the intuitive decision of every cinematographer is determined by various factors, of which dramatic factors make the most of influence as the sole purpose of the vis...

Bachelor of Science - Visual Communication // Professional and Job Oriented Program #1

Professional and Job Oriented Program #1 Bachelor of Science  Visual Communication - 3 Years Visual Communication is the process of communicating a message with the forms of visuals.  In the Information Society, Visual Communication has a great role to play in human communication. It is evident that we are living in an information society, and the society is in great need for personnel to create, process, communicate inform and entertain people of the existing society. Ocularcentrism  is a theory that ranks  vision on the top amongst all human sensory perceptions. The most famous lines of the ocularcentrism are "Seeing is Believing" and "Believing in Seeing". Visuals are seen by people with their own eyes and facilitates them to construct their belief over what is presented in the visual. Visual Communication in the current times has great role to perform as a universal language. To serve the needs of the society, many of the universities and colleges in I...

Born-again in Blogs

Hello you! I am born-again in blog writing... Here I am and you will reading another bunch of words that might find you in good and odd times. You will be reading my way of looking at things and understanding complex patterns of media, society and human communication that really matters in the information age. From the writings that entertain and make you free think, you will witness all new expressions emerging from India. With due respect for the readers of my blog. I hope that my writings will make sense and engaging.  Thanks for making time to read these words. yours forever   Vidyasagar K


It is one thing to ride a bike, than creating it, It is one thing to be a part of an organisation than creating it, It is one thing to be a part of Brand than creating a Brand, It is one thing to be a part of criticism than creating a solution, It is good thing to be a part of vision which you think that can change things towards the holistic development of millions in the country.