Camera Treatment - Objective, Subjective and Point of view

Objective, Subjective and Point of view

Why is cinematography so important for a film?

Is cinematographer half a director of the film?

What matters in the construction of visuals for a film?

Lest you from questions, let's dive into the topic of discussion. Cinematography is the art of conceptualising, composing and capturing the visuals with a camera that aid in the process of story telling. As audience sit in a theatre to experience the whole new world on two dimensional screen. To get into the virtual cinematic world, camera acts as a window to get into the cinematic onscreen world. To further simplify, the audience position themselves in the place of camera and perceive all actions that happen onscreen. So to produce good visual work, every cinematographer and filmmaker would rely on the dramatic factors. In fact the intuitive decision of every cinematographer is determined by various factors, of which dramatic factors make the most of influence as the sole purpose of the visuals is to narrate a story with dramatic effect. 

Camera treatment refers to the way or phenomena that a cinematographer adopt to, in the construction of visuals for a film. Camera Treatment is classified into three categories as below


Camera Treatment




Camera refers to the third person, will neither favour any subject nor character in a film. 



Camera refers to a character and capture visuals in favour of any subject or character in a film 


Point of view

Camera replaces any subject or character and refers to the point of view of a subject or character

While working with an objective camera treatment, Camera usually blocks the scene that is right in front of it. Sees and records all the actions, activities of a character and properties in a scene as a third person watching it from story outside. As shown in the below video

On the other hand, subjective camera treatment refers to the staging of actions, activities of a character and properties in favour of a character. It mimics the way the character is moving/behaving in the scene. As shown in the below video

Point of view is interesting when used prudently in the making of a film. It replaces the position of a character, sometimes positions with the camera and sees what the character is seeing, rather mocking like subjective camera treatment, in point of view treatment camera sees what the character sees. To further clarify, camera replaces the eyes of an onscreen character. Cinematographers prefers to work with normal lens, to ensure the angle of view of a camera matches with the average angle of a human being. As shown in the below video (thermal imaging shots are best examples)

Camera treatment is an intuitive decision of a filmmaker. However it is observed in the current times, the camera treatments are blended in a way to give more immersive experience of a film. Camera treatment seems to start as objective, transforms to subjective and later PoV. 

Below are some of the visuals that have tricked the viewers as a result have given the whole new experience of the cinematic world.

I hope this reading helped you in finding the difference between the Subjective, Objective and PoV camera treatment. 

Thank you.

Good, Bad, Ugly....

Please write your suggestions. 

Vidyasagar K


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